The I+ Pharmacy: the "Plus One" of pharmacies

Year: 2015. Sales Area: 30m2. Location: Sevilla, Spain.

Integrated design of the first chain of pharmacies on the Spanish market

We designed the first "pharmacy chain" for the Spanish market with a clear and smart concept: we wanted to convert it into the "Plus One" of pharmacies.

fachada primera franquicia farmacias i+ luminoso primera franquicia farmacias i+ por carlos aires de marketing-jazz entrada franquicia franquicia farmacias i+ entrada moderna franquicia farmacias i+ presentacion producto dermocosmetica farmacias i+ diseño mostrador franquicia farmacias i+ dispensación medicamentos franquicia farmacias i+ product display medicamentos franquicia farmacias i+ diseño limpio y nordico franquicia farmacias i+ diseño moderno franquicia farmacias i+ detalles texturas calidas presentacion producto farmacia franquicia farmacias i+ juego texturas iluminacion franquicia farmacias i+ presentacion producto masculino franquicia farmacias i+ logotipo imagen corporativa franquicia farmacias i+

The concept of the I+ Pharmacy is a simple brand idea: In unity there is strength. Each pharmacy is represented by a cross. 

I+ pharmacies are designed with what we might call a "Lego concept" so that the design can be adapted to the surface area, which applies equally to a pharmacy with a surface area of 30m2 and one with 300m2.  

The distribution of the space is carried out based on a number of different health categories, taking into account purchasing decision impulses and types of customer. A layout that promotes freedom of movement invites the customer to enjoy the shopping experience based on the specialization of the products  on display and the health services on offer. Thus the customer can find medical services, beauty products, nutrition and natural medicine all under one roof. 

With the I+ Pharmacy, your health adds up to more.

Carlos Aires: Creativity, design and overall management. Elena de Andrés: Illustrations and sketches. Natalia Aires: Corporate Image. Lucia Esteban: Technical Design. Silvia Teijeiro: o 3D Design. Inés Moreno: Children’s illustrations. Silvia Bellisco: Visual Merchandising. Ikuo Maruyama: Photography.